July 26, 2022

Can Cats Eat Cheese? The Surprising Truth About Feline Nutrition

Do you ever wonder if it's okay to give your cat cheese? You're not alone! A lot of people are curious about what foods are safe for their feline friends. In this blog post, we will explore the truth about cats and cheese. Spoiler alert: cats can eat cheese, but it's not recommended as a part of their regular diet. Keep reading to learn more!

Is cheese bad for your cats?

Most cats are lactose intolerant, which means that their stomachs can't properly digest lactose. When cats consume dairy products such as cheese or milk, they may experience stomach pain, diarrhea, and vomiting. If your cat is lactose intolerant, it's best to avoid giving them cheese altogether.

So, can cats still eat cheese? The answer is yes - but only in moderation. If you give cheese to your cat, make sure to give them a small amount. Too much cheese can cause gastrointestinal distress, so it's important to be mindful of how much you're feeding them. Cheese is not an essential part of a cat's diet, so there's no need to worry if your feline friend doesn't enjoy it.

Can kittens eat cheese?

You may be wondering whether cheese is harmful to kittens, as kittens drink milk. Kittens are different from adult cats when it comes to their ability to eat cheese. Kittens can digest dairy as they have a higher level of lactase, which is the enzyme that breaks down lactose. This means that they can digest milk and cheese better than adult cats. However, this ability starts to decline as they get older. By the time they're to eat solid food such as cheese, most cats become lactose intolerant.

What kind of cheese can cats eat?

Types of Cheese: Good vs. The Bad

If you do decide to give your cat cheese, certain varieties may be better than others:

Cheddar Cheese

Cheddar Cheese is one of the most well-known cheeses in the world. It's a semi-hard cheese with little lactose that isn't particularly hard to find. Your cat, on the other hand, should not eat big quantities of cheddar since it might cause stomach issues.

Goat Cheese

Goat cheese is the safest kind of cheese, because it has the lowest lactose content among all cheeses. Even if goat cheese contains less lactose than other cheeses, it still includes lactose, which might cause annoyance to your cat's digestive system if consumed in excess.

Swiss Cheese

Swiss cheese is a popular choice among sandwich lovers since it's high in protein and low in salt and fat. Although it has lower amounts of lactose like cheddar, it may still cause digestive problems.


Is all that gooey cheese good for your cat, or does it attract him? Plenty of pet parents have discovered their feline buddies eating pizza from the box, but is it all right? It isn't. Soft cheeses like mozzarella, whether raw or cooked, are health hazards for cats because they are high in lactose. Cottage cheese and cream cheese pose similar risks and should be avoided.

Raw or cooked soft cheeses like mozzarella are health risks to cats since they are high in lactose. Cottage cheese and cream cheese, too, should be avoided since they pose a similar health risk.

Blue cheese

What causes cheese to be blue? Mold. Penicillium mold is used to create this sort of cheese, including Stilton, which can harm dogs if ingested. As a result, don't offer your cat moldy cheeses.

Non-dairy cheese

Vegan cheeses don't contain lactose, so they're presumably okay, right? Unfortunately, the answer is no. They are extensively processed and contain a high salt and fat content, making them harmful for cats to consume.

Obesity in cats

So, if cats can eat cheese, why isn't it a good idea to give it to them on a regular basis? The main reason is that cheese is high in fat and calories. While a little bit of fat is okay for cats, too much can lead to weight gain and other health problems. Cheese is also relatively low in protein, which is an essential nutrient for cats. For these reasons, it's best to give your cat cheese only as an occasional treat.

Alternative treats to cheese

A cat's diet is an important factor in their overall health. While there are a variety of cat food options on the market, raw meat and bones is often considered the best option. This is because cats are obligate carnivores, which means that their bodies are designed to digest and use animal-based proteins. However, there are some alternative treats that you can feed your cat.

Alternative treats to cheese include:

  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • Vegetables and fruits

Hard-boiled eggs are a good option, as they are high in protein and low in fat. You can also give your cat vegetables and fruits, but make sure to avoid ones that are high in sugar, as these can be harmful to cats.

Make sure you know that some human foods are hazardous to cats. Whether you have a finicky feline or an all-they-can-eat kitty, make certain their nutritional needs are met. Please contact our vets via teleconsultation if you need assistance creating a healthy cat's diet plan.

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